Submission Information

General Submission Guidelines

We welcome your work related to the teaching of accounting information systems (AIS) topics. Submit papers to Send your submission email from the address of the corresponding author and indicate which of our four categories (Research, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Teaching Application, or Tools) best describes your submission. Use a format readable by the current version of Microsoft Office for the manuscript, title page, and other text files (such as teaching notes, questionnaires used, student handouts, and so on). Large files can be zipped. Each submission email must include at least two files, as follows:

  1. Title page file that includes the paper’s title and the names of each author, including affiliation, title, telephone number, and email addresses. This is the only file that may include identifying information. Designate one author as the “corresponding author.”
  2. Manuscript file that includes the text of the paper. This file must not contain any author names or other identifying information anywhere in the paper or the file’s metadata (or “properties”).

Additional files that contain data or materials used in the research or teaching activity that is the subject of your paper should also be included. See the specific requirements below for what to provide for each category of submission.

Each submission must include evidence of efficacy. The specific requirements vary by category of submission and are provided below for each.

Authors submitting papers for review are asserting implicitly that the work is their own, has not been published previously in its submitted form, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that all authors have approved its submission for publication to the AIS Educator Journal. If your work used human participants or animals, you should include a statement that the research was approved by any relevant Institutional Review Boards.

Publishing an academic paper is a shared responsibility. We expect submitting authors to volunteer as journal reviewers to help share the workload.

General Formatting and Style Guidelines

Format your submission using the following guidelines:

  • The first page should include the title of the submission, an abstract of 250 words or less that describes how the submission will benefit or advance AIS education, and two or more keywords that describe the content of the submission
  • Set the text in a 10-point Times New Roman (or similar serif) font, left justified, single spaced, with no additional vertical spacing added (either before or after); see recent articles published in the Journal for guidance, especially for table and figure formatting
  • Use the current edition of American Psychological Association (APA) style to format text, citations, tables, figures, and references
  • Papers should, in general, not exceed 5,000 words (excluding references and appendices)

Write your paper using clear, concise English in active voice (rather than passive voice) whenever possible. Before submitting, ensure that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors. We recommend that you have a colleague or professional editor review your work carefully before you submit it. We also encourage you to use conference presentations to obtain feedback on your work as you develop it.

Guidelines by Submission Category



  • Basic AIS research that could be applied to an accounting course such as AIS, auditing, managerial, financial, taxation, advanced, or forensic
  • Interdisciplinary education research with an accounting systems or technology component, such as control and auditing systems, control frameworks, artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity and information security, data analytics, database systems, enterprise systems, machine learning, organization and management of IS and IT, risk management, robotics, service computing, systems development methods, and XBRL


  • Rationale
  • Research Question(s)
  • Literature Review
  • Research Framework or Model; Research Propositions or Hypotheses
  • Method
  • Analysis
  • Results
  • Discussion of Implications (for Research, Teaching, or Practice)
  • Limitations
  • Future Research
  • Conclusion


  • Quantitative methods: appropriate statistical tests and evidence to address hypotheses (e.g., experiments, surveys, formal and/or mathematical models)
  • Qualitative or mixed-methods: appropriate evidence for the type of study and research inquiry (e.g., case study, action research, ethnography with data sources like participant observation, interviews, and questionnaires, documents and texts, researcher’s impressions and reactions; see Myers 2013 and Venkatesh, Brown, and Bala, 2013)

Additional Files to Submit

  • Any information that would help the editors and reviewers assess the submission, including datasets, surveys, questionnaires, instruments, diagrams, models, protocols, and so on

Curriculum and Pedagogy


  • Model curricula, programs (degree, certificate, or micro-credentials, such as badges) or course designs (or implementations thereof)
  • Teaching and learning models
  • Discussion or analysis of teaching and learning challenges (for example, the effects of delivery modes such as classroom, online, blended, or hybrid)
  • Discussions of how/when/why to use emerging technologies and systems in AIS or other accounting courses


  • Learning objectives or outcomes involved in the subject of the submission
  • How learning outcomes connect to the subject of the submission
  • How the subject of the submission would generalize beyond the authors’ institution
  • Evidence of effectiveness


  • Demonstrate how the subject of the submission is better than existing alternatives. If available, include evaluative metrics before and after the intervention/change or otherwise present evidence of the improvement to educational processes or outcomes (such evidence might include student enrollments, student degrees, recruiting/hiring metrics, internal and external stakeholder feedback surveys, or scholarship and development contributions)
  • Evidence or estimates of costs of the approach (such as training, time, recruiting, and so on)
  • Benefits and drawbacks of the approach

Additional Files to Submit

  • Any information that would help the editors and reviewers assess the submission, including datasets, surveys, questionnaires, instruments, and so on

Teaching Applications


  • Educational cases, course projects, and instructional resources that instructors could use in AIS or related courses, including those that are interdisciplinary
  • Innovative or especially successful methods for teaching AIS courses or topics


  • Abstract of 75-200 words that briefly describes the material and its role in AIS education
  • Introduction that provides a brief (200-500 word) summary of the educational needs that prompted the setting, the rationale for material, background information, or anything else that would explain why and in which course(s) an educator might want to use the material
  • Learning objectives, which should include a concise description of exactly which course learning objective(s) could be met by the case
  • Prerequisite knowledge or skills that students would need to use the material
  • Materials in the form presented to students (if less than five pages, you can include it in an appendix; otherwise, include it as a separate file)
  • Evidence of efficacy, including verifiable support that the materials are effective in improving learning and that they add significantly to the educational process or lead to positive outcomes in some way (simply because an author’s material is new, innovative, and creative does not guarantee that it contributes to the advancement of AIS education or that it is of interest or utility to other AIS educators); if this discussion reveals answers to the case, it can be included in the teaching notes rather than here
  • Conclusion that includes commentary about adaptations, variations, flexibility in material use, limitations, caveats, risks, observations, and other general information that might be useful to instructors considering the adoption of the material
  • Teaching notes, submitted in a separate Word document, that include a clear and concise set of “Instructions to the Instructor” about how to prepare for, present, and use the material; a grading rubric or some other outline of how to measure student performance. Teaching notes are not published but are made available to faculty members of the AIS Educator Association; anything that you would not want a student to have should go into the teaching notes.

We recognize that not all teaching materials can be presented effectively in the above format and thus do not require that every submitted manuscript contain the specific section headings listed above, but each of the requirements must be addressed in the manuscript


  • Evidence that the material improves significantly the educational process and/or achievement of learning
  • Results of student learning/motivation/enjoyment/understanding compared before and after use of the material, using either direct or less-direct measures, as follows:
    • Direct measures include comparing before-and-after scores from a quiz, exam, project, or assignment related to the improvement (strongly preferred for cases, projects, assignments, and instructional resources)
    • Less-direct measures include student grades, student feedback or self-reports of learning, feedback from peer faculty or practitioners (might be appropriate for innovative and time-sensitive topical materials)

Additional Files to Submit

  • Teaching notes, the case/project/resource itself in a form appropriate for use with students, and ancillary materials such as diagrams, models, or handouts (that is, any materials readers might want to use or adapt when administering the case/project/resource in their classrooms and/or their learning management systems); any surveys, quizzes, tests, assignments or questionnaires used to establish efficacy



  • Tutorials or demonstrations of useful new applications, software, or teaching tools
  • Reviews of books, software, and other tools useful to AIS education


  • Introduction, including a brief description of the teaching/learning needs to be met, and an overview of the innovative tool; must provide information for other educators that exceeds McKinney’s (2007) anecdotal stage of “I tried it and I liked it”
  • Description of the tool and how it can be integrated into a teaching or learning situation; include enough detail to allow readers of the journal to use the tool in their classes
  • Need, which should describe the theory, literature, or practice-based need that the tool meets
  • Results of the tool’s use that show it is likely to work for other instructors who use it


  • Include a clear statement of why readers would find the suggested tool useful, including some evidence that it works
  • Summary of any costs (to students, instructors, institutions) required to use the tool
  • Summarize feedback elicited from students and/or instructors, who have used the tool about learning, benefit(s), and value (less-direct efficacy measures are appropriate for this category, but direct measures are always better if available)

Additional Files to Submit

  • Teaching notes and ancillary materials such as diagrams, models, or handouts used with the tool; any surveys, quizzes, tests, assignments, or questionnaires used to establish efficacy


Lending, D. and Vician, C. (2012). Writing IS Teaching Tips: Guidelines for JISE Submission, Journal of Information Systems Education, 23:1, 11-18

McKinney, K. (2007). Enhancing Learning Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: The challenges and joys of juggling. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Myers, M.D. (2013).  Qualitative Research in Business & Management. Second edition. Sage Publications, London, 2013.

Venkatesh, V., Brown, S.A., and Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS Quarterly, 37:1, 21-54.


One or both of the senior editors perform an initial review of submitted manuscripts. In some cases, they will ask the author(s) to discuss strategies for revising the paper to become more ready for the review process. If the senior editors believe the paper is ready and appropriate for the journal, they assign it to an associate editor, and at least two reviewers (in a double-blind process). Reviewers will develop constructive suggestions and recommendations for the author, regardless of their recommendations to the editors. The journal tries to return first-round review comments to authors within 60 days of submission. Authors receiving revise-and-resubmit decisions should notify the senior editor within 14 days whether they will be revising/resubmitting the manuscript and generally will have five months to submit a revision.

Revised October 25, 2023