The AIS Educator Association sponsors the AIS Educator Journal, a peer-reviewed outlet for scholarship that benefits accounting information systems (AIS) education. The AIS Educator Journal is online and open access (freely available to the public).
Read the Journal
You can read current and previous volumes of the journal here or
Cite the Journal
The Zotero group library lets you create citations and bibliographic entries for AIS Educator Journal articles in thousands of formats (APA, MLS, Accounting Review, and so on). When the Web page opens, click the article title to select it, then click one of the three buttons at the top of the list to export information about the article (a list offers multiple options, including the widely-used RIS format), create a citation, or create a bibliographic entry.
Submit to the Journal
The journal welcomes AIS research, cases, and other teaching materials that contribute to the goals of the AIS Educator Association. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind review process. Email your paper or inquiry to with a copy to one of the senior editors, Gary Schneider or Betsy Haywood-Sullivan Submission and style guidelines are here.
Teaching Notes
AIS Educators Association Members who are university faculty members and have attended the AIS Educator Conference at least once in the most recent three years may access the teaching notes for cases published in the journal here (you must be logged in to access).