About the Journal

The AIS Educator Association sponsors the AIS Educator Journal, a peer-reviewed outlet for scholarship that benefits accounting information systems (AIS) education. The AIS Educator Journal is online and open access (freely available to the public). The online format allows the inclusion of detailed cases, complex diagrams, the use of colors, and links to large data sets, programming tools, and various media objects.

Read the Journal

You can read current and previous volumes of the journal here or https://meridian.allenpress.com/aisej

Submit to the Journal

The journal welcomes AIS research, cases, and other teaching materials that contribute to the goals of the AIS Educator Association. Manuscripts are evaluated using a double-blind review process. Email your paper or inquiry to journal@aiseducators.net with a copy to one of the senior editors, Lorraine Lee leel@uncw.edu or Betsy Haywood-Sullivan msullivan@rider.edu. Submission and style guidelines are here.

Teaching Notes

AIS Educators Association Members who are university faculty members and have attended the AIS Educator Conference at least once in the most recent three years may access the teaching notes for cases published in the journal here (you must be logged in to access).