(Revised: March 31, 2021)
We invite scholarship from both a teaching and a research perspective. Research at early stages of development is encouraged. Submissions can include:
- Completed research papers, teaching cases or teaching tools
- Extended abstracts of research papers, teaching cases or teaching tools
- Working papers (including unpublished empirical research, cases, teaching exercises-resources-materials)
- Hands-on computer training sessions
- Panel discussions addressing AIS topics
If you have any questions about whether your submission is appropriate for the Conference, please contact the Program Research Chair, Juergen Sidgman.
Research Manuscripts: any theoretical or applied research benefitting AIS practice and/or education is welcomed. Manuscripts should include an introduction; purpose of the study; literature review; proposed/actual data collection process; proposed analyses methods; contribution to the literature.
Teaching Cases and Tools: should include learning objectives; teaching notes; some evidence of classroom teaching effectiveness; where the case or teaching technique fits in the AIS course/curriculum. Handouts, such as solutions or student materials, should be submitted with the main manuscript to facilitate the review. Computer data files used in the manuscript should be included.
Hands-on Computer Training Sessions: should include abstract that details content and nature of session; preferred presentation time (45 or 90 minutes); any software requirements needed for the session. Indicate whether the session is research or teaching focused.
Panel Discussions: should include the purpose of the panel and why the topic is relevant and important enough to warrant a panel session; a suggested list of panelists should be included.
Submission Format: use of active voice and the use of the first person is acceptable; all pages should be sequentially numbered; all figures, exhibits, and tables should be labeled and referenced within the text; manuscripts can follow any recognized referencing method, such as APA or Chicago Manual of Style; submissions to the AIS Educator Journal should follow the Journal’s submission and format requirements (i.e. Chicago Manual of Style.)
Submission Instructions: Submit manuscripts electronically using the online submission management link found at the AISEA Website (“Submissions” page) – you need to create a new conference submission account each year; authors should not identify themselves or their affiliations directly or indirectly in the manuscript; use of MS Word Document file format is preferred. Zip files can be submitted for larger, multi-file submissions (e.g., inclusion of computer data files, solutions, student materials.)